The Process of Credit Repair.

Repairing your credit is the first step to reaching your financial goals. At Credit Proper, our process ensures you get there with an effective, personalized, and convenient approach.

Here's How It All Works.
With over 20 years in the financial and credit services industry, we've been able to streamline our process to ensure customization, specialization, and personal service for a proper credit repair customer experience.

A checklist and pen icon that describes the evaluation process taken to ensure Credit proper can properly repair your credit

Free Evaluation

To ensure credit repair is something you need, Credit Proper will provide you with a free consultation with one of our Credit Professionals. We will look for the positive and negative feedback items to be able to maximize your results moving forward.

1,2, and 3 icon to give you a plan of action when setting up the proper steps to build your credit with Credit Proper

Plan of Action

Once finalized, we immediately move into repairing your credit and providing you with the tools to empower your financial future with actionable items to follow.

A chart with increasing bars to show the data behind repairing your credit with Credit Proper

Repair & Rebuild

We immediately begin disputing negative items on your credit file after signing up. From there, we continue to monitor your credit reports, as well as provide several tutorial videos and educational plans to be proactive in the rebuild phase.

A refresh icon that demonstrates the rinse and repeat process Credit Proper uses to continually improve your credit score overtime

Rinse & Repeat

Credit Proper is always updating our credit rebuilding service while continually adding more material to our portal to keep your credit score climbing. The longer you stay, the higher your score will go.

The proper offering to gain your financial freedom.
See how our Gold Plan can boost, raise, and propel your credit score to unreachable levels.

Start Gold Now

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Credit Proper. The behind-the-scenes tool propelling your credit score.