We've got answers.

View our list of Frequently Asked Questions below to help answer something you may be unsure about or to just learn a bit more about Credit Proper!

How do I start?

You can get started whenever you'd like. Click our Get Started button below or at the top of this page and we will begin our Credit Proper journey with you.

What's the cost?

We have multiple plans for you to choose from/ Depending on what plan, the price may vary on start-up cost and monthly subscription fee.
Check out our Pricing Page below:


Do I ever need to Upgrade?

No upgrades needed. During our initial step of going through a Credit Evaluation, we set you up with a proper plan to fit your needs. If your situation changes and you need to upgrade, reach out to your Credit Proper representative and we can adjust your plan accordingly.

When will I see results?

We start to dispute all negative claims immediately after signing up. It typically takes about 30 days for credit bureaus to process disputes, so you will see results at least 30 days after you first sign up.

How many items are disputed at a time?

Any and all negative items are disputed all at once.

How long does the program last?

The length of your program depends on your situation and how long it takes for the Credit Bureaus to respond to the disputes. Keep in mind, the longer you stay, the higher your score will increase as we continue to remove negative items over time.

Can I pause my service?

We understand things may change over time, and if you'd like to cancel or pause your service we'll gladly adjust or cancel your plan at the time you reach out.

How do I cancel?

You can cancel your subscription plan by sending us an email or giving us a phone call with the contact info listed on this site.

Is there a cancellation fee or charge?

There are no fees or charges for cancelling your plan.

How do I know I need credit repair?

If you're unsure if you need a credit repair service, reach out to one of our Credit Proper representatives via email or phone and we'll be glad to assist you on figuring out if it will be a good fit for your situation.

Do I have to do any work?

We do all the work for you so you can live a care-free life.

Will paying my bills improve my score?

It will and it won't. Paying your bills does improve your credit score, but it will not remove any negative claims that exist on your history of credit reports.

Does this help consolidate my debt?

We do not consolidate any of your debt. If you'd like assistance on what we recommend, check out any of our videos online for more information on the topic.

What areas do you service?

We are able to service customers nationwide!

What are Equifax, Transunion, and Experian?

The 3 Bureaus are called Credit Reporting Agencies which are companies that sell your financial information as credit reports to other businesses (like most Credit Card and lending companies) who use that information to make a decision on whether or not to lend to you.

There are laws to help consumers to defend themselves from misrepresentation in the financial world. But unfortunately, even with these laws in place, the processes to challenge these companies and the information they report about can be very complex and time-consuming.

That’s why Credit Proper is here to work on your behalf!

Live on care-free with

Credit Proper. The behind-the-scenes tool propelling your credit score.