Changing the credit game.

For almost 20 Years, the Credit Proper team has built up a proper relationship between the Credit Bureaus and customers that we work with. Ensuring that we give our customers the best possible service, all while maintaining the proper protocols in direct contact with the associated Credit Bureau.

We combine the benefits of the best financial services team and latest advancements in technology, with the proper educational tools to guarantee success. Credit surrounds us, but we don’t always think about what it means or how it really affects us. That's why Credit Proper built a team that takes credit burdens off your mind so you can live care-free.

How We Work
Our Credit Proper Objectives:



Credit Proper prides itself on always doing the right thing.

Our customers always come first, and our work is led with Integrity at the forefront of our perspective for them,.



We properly ensure the highest levels of commitment through every step of the way. Through learning and educating, or simply acting as back end service to build credit; Credit Proper is committed to any task we're faced with.



"Without it, there is nothing."

We believe in the saying that 'honesty is the best policy.' Combining trust with the power of teamwork to deliver proper results is how we work.

Live on care-free with

Credit Proper. The behind-the-scenes tool propelling your credit score.